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Whether you are new to the healthcare environment, an experienced supervisor, or an educator, EZ Compliance can help keep your staff or students up to date. This series addresses common concerns in patient and employee safety. Ideal for staff or student education, EZ Compliance is updated every year to reflect accreditation standards and state requirements.
Click the title below for more information
Abuse and Neglect
Cultural Competence
Elderly Patient Populations
Environmental Safety
Fire Safety
Hand Hygiene
Hazardous Materials and Waste
Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Equipment
Medication Safety
Mentally Disabled Patient Populations
Non-English Speaking Patient Populations
Obese Patient Populations
Patient Communication
Patient Identification
Patient Restraints
Patient Rights
Pediatric Patient Populations
Physically Disabled Patient Populations
Preventing Inpatient Suicide
Prevention of Health Care-Associated Infections
Radiation Protection for Radiation Therapy Patients
Radiation Protection for Radiation Therapy Personnel
Radiation Safety
Radiation Therapy Safety and Quality Assurance
Reducing Patient Falls
Safe CT Practices
Safe Fluoroscopy Practices
Safe MRI Practices
Section 1557: Health Care Discrimination Rules and Regulations
Storage and Care of Lead Aprons
Student Supervision
Substance Abuse
Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Person
This product is non-refundable. For more information, consult the ASRT Refund Policy.
This product is VPAT-B compliant. If you have questions about ASRT product accessibility, visit www.asrt.org/vpat.
License for unlimited institutional use and student certificate.
For educational and institutional use. This product is licensed for noncommercial, educational in-house or online educational course use only in educational and corporate institutions. Any broadcast, duplication, circulation, public viewing, conference viewing or Internet posting of this product is strictly prohibited.
Institutional pricing permits the use of the content at one location and prohibits sharing between multiple sites. Please email onlinece@asrt.org or call 800-444-2778, Ext. 1082 for corporate pricing options for use by multiple facilities.