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ASRT Live Recorded: Dense Breasts, Supplemental Screening and New MQSA Reporting Requirements
19592, 109909, NMZ00140330, webinar, webcast.
CE Credit

Approved for 1.0 Category A CE credit
This presentation will cover what dense breasts are and why they matter. We will review topics like breast density by age, breast density categories, what to know about mammograms and dense breasts, what to know about cancers in dense breasts, the new FDA dense breast reporting standard for both patients and referring providers, and a roundup of educational tools available on medically sourced DenseBreast-info.org. We will continue with supplemental imaging to include mammographic, sonographic, MRI among others and discuss risk assessment. Finally, we will conclude the presentation with other MQSA change compliance information to include BIRADS, Final Assessment, records transfer and artificial intelligence.
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