Carpal Riverstones X-ray Cover Art Poster
Carpal Riverstones X-ray Cover Art Poster

Member: $38 | Retail: $45
Item No. 18602
This 16” x 20” poster illustrates “Carpal Riverstones,” Lizzy Rainey, R.T.(R), of Lafayette, Indiana. From her radiograph landscape series, the cool colors of stream pebbles form the pattern of a wrist radiograph. In the painting, the carpals display as stones in surrounding blue tones of gently moving water.
Purchase other prints in the radiograph landscape series at
Item No. 18602
This 16” x 20” poster illustrates “Carpal Riverstones,” Lizzy Rainey, R.T.(R), of Lafayette, Indiana. From her radiograph landscape series, the cool colors of stream pebbles form the pattern of a wrist radiograph. In the painting, the carpals display as stones in surrounding blue tones of gently moving water.
Purchase other prints in the radiograph landscape series at