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Whether you are new to the field or looking to review common procedures, the Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials series will prepare you for the demanding and technical RRA work environment. These modules describe many common procedures in detail, including indications and contraindications, preparation, positioning, safety, and more! Each procedure is also described step-by-step from start to finish, including practical advice from experienced RRAs.
These interactive modules cover the 13 procedures identified as mandatory in the Summary of Clinical Experience and Competence Assessments for the certification exam.
This product is licensed for unlimited educational and institutional use.
Click title below for more information
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Neurological Procedures
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Esophageal Evaluation
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Upper Gastrointestinal Procedures
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Bowel Exams
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Pulmonary Studies
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Drainage Procedures
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Diagnostic Urography
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Therapeutic Fluid Removal
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Injections and Biopsies
Registered Radiologist Assistant Essentials: Non-oral Contrast Studies
Peripheral Insertion of Central Venous Catheter (PICC) Placement (23:00)
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License for unlimited institutional use.
For educational and institutional use. This product is licensed for noncommercial, educational in-house or online educational course use only in educational and corporate institutions. Any broadcast, duplication, circulation, public viewing, conference viewing or Internet posting of this product is strictly prohibited.
Institutional pricing permits the use of the content at one location and prohibits sharing between multiple sites. Please email onlinece@asrt.org or call 800-444-2778, Ext. 1082 for corporate pricing options for use by multiple facilities.
While this product is designed to be compatible with most Learning Management Systems, ASRT does not guarantee its compatibility with all LMSs, and is not responsible for customizing this product to suit the requirements of individual institutions and educational programs.