Member: $15 | Retail: $20
Approved for 1.0 Category A+ CE credits
This module examines the frequency and consequences of adverse events due to misidentification of patients and procedures. You will learn the strategies used to prevent misidentification errors, the practices of error disclosure and the steps of the Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Person Surgery.
This activity may be available in multiple formats or from different sponsors. ARRT regulations state that an individual may not repeat a self-learning activity for credit if it was reported in the same biennium.
Associated Products
Safety Essentials Module 1: Introduction to Health Care Safety
Safety Essentials Module 2: Workplace Safety
Safety Essentials Module 3: Risk Management
Safety Essentials Module 4: Patient Transfer and Transport
Safety Essentials Module 5: Patient Fall Prevention
Safety Essentials Module 6: Infection Control Practices
Safety Essentials Module 7: Medication Safety
Safety Essentials Module 9: Sentinel Event Policy and Prevention
Safety Essentials Module 10: Radiation Protection
Safety Essentials: The Series - 14 CE Credits
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Online Module